Everything Changes

“One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest . . . A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories . . . And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used […]

Secrets at Dawn

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. —Rumi These lines from one of Rumi’s poems came to mind when we were hiking recently at one of our favorite places. It had taken a little effort to get out of bed at 5:00 AM and drive to Enchanted Rock […]

Practicing Wonder, Renewed

“Perhaps many things inside you have been transformed; perhaps somewhere, someplace deep inside your being, you have undergone important changes while you were sad.” –Rainer Maria Rilke As time always does, the years since I have written here brought change. My late husband’s Parkinson’s Disease progressed, bringing with it emotional and physical challenges for me […]

Searching for Secret Glories

In the week preceding Easter, journeys with friends reminded me of the joys of childhood’s egg hunts. On these adult expeditions, we searched for–and found–secret glories which we could have easily missed. My friend Betty and I delighted in finding the cross vine pictured below and the happy turtles pictured above at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in […]

Gifts for the New Year

I’ve been quiet lately–since about Thanksgiving, actually, and have been wondering why I don’t seem to have a writing voice. It happens to writers far more prolific and skilled than I, so I haven’t worried much about it, thinking the shorter days had brought a time of gathering, of rumination. So yesterday I was a […]