Thankful for Yes

i thank You God for most this amazing
day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
–E. E. Cummings

Nothing in nature represents “yes” to me more than trees, and I often repeat these lines of poetry from one of my favorite poets as I sit on my overhanging deck pictured above, nestled like a treehouse under the limbs of Texas hill country cedar elms.

Within sight are other beauties:

serrated leaves of chinkapin oak

serrated leaves of a chinkapin oak


fall color of a Spanish oak


an escarpment cherry tree changing its color

Cummings’ words allude to many secret glories: the calming beauty of the outdoors; the life inherent in all of nature, of which we are a part; our affinity for a belief in the infinite; our ability to make choices.

Many things are beyond our control, of course, but I like this statement attributed to Martha Washington:

I am still determined to be cheerful and to be happy in whatever situation I may be, for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions and not upon our circumstances.

For today, I choose to celebrate life. I choose to be happy. I choose to be present to wonder by paying attention.

And I choose to be grateful for–in addition to myriad other blessings this Thanksgiving–the gift of being able to choose “yes”.

Writing Practice:

What does Cummings’ poetry evoke for you?  What do you associate with “yes”?

Complete the following:  I have learned from experience that . . .

12 thoughts on “Thankful for Yes

  1. Chris,
    Once again you illustrated your writting talent. Yes, this is definitely a time to be thankful for so many things. The beautiful fall with its amazing colors, the recent rains and for special friends like you. May you have a wonderful thanksgiving .

    • One of the things I love about you, Sue, is your positive approach to life. I’m thankful for your example and for your friendship. Have a happy thanksgiving with your beautiful family.

  2. I have learned from experience…that all things pass. And that an attitude of gratitude for all that passes brings me naturally to that next place of being…To follow the grace of trees, releasing leaves with the passing of seasons. Thanks, Chris, for this reminder!

  3. Life is about change. So being willing to be in the moment allows joy. Fear is always about the future possibilities. Regret about the past. Joy is experienced now even if we are taking pleasure from past memories or in anticipation. I want to live in the nowore and more

  4. Just lovely Chris, I woke up this morning so filled with thanks and your wonderful post just added to it, thank you dear friend.

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